I hadn't checked my log file in a while for my Lime Daley contact page, but happened to check it today.  There have been 438 spams sent in the last two months, and 2 legitimate emails.  The spam filter (I wrote it - which is probably why it works - that my site isn't big enough for the spammers to work on getting around it, it is rather trivial, the spam filter for this blog site is better than that one, and somewhat more difficult to get around automatically) did its job 100% of the time.  The two emails went through without delay, and the 438 emails were saved in a log. (More)

Posted by Jon Daley on August 30, 2007, 10:57 pm | Read 3015 times | Comments (3)
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Someone at snurgle pointed this out to me.  I understand that things like this can happen, but when I type "cal 9 1752", it seems strange to see this output:

  September 1752
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
       1  2 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Posted by Jon Daley on August 28, 2007, 8:15 am | Read 8593 times | Comments (2)
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I read that Harry Potter invented electricity, and that it wasn't Benjam Jam, so it must be true.

Source for the answer: unasked.com

Original source for the question: ADustyFrame.

Posted by Jon Daley on August 24, 2007, 2:05 pm | Read 2468 times | Comments (6)
Category Internet: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Found some pictures today that are mostly amusing.  I don't understand all of the references, and am probably happier that way. "Generous Orthodoxy"?

Posted by Jon Daley on August 24, 2007, 11:46 am | Read 2517 times | Comments (1)
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We went camping last weekend with some friends from Providence Church and the Venables.  We went to a fairly new, no RV, family-run place near Moraine State Park called Breakneck Campground.   (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on August 23, 2007, 11:29 am | Read 15489 times | Comments (1)
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Everyone always says how user-friendly Windows is, and as I sit here waiting for my Windows computer to endlessly update itself, I am struck by how much harder it is to update my Windows laptop than all of my Linux (Debian) servers put together. (More)

Posted by Jon Daley on August 23, 2007, 6:53 am | Read 48142 times | Comments (11)
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I have been having lots of fun (that's the bad kind of fun, not the good kind) configuring Asterisk for my new IT job.  It has been a pretty big pain getting it to work correctly with a couple different VOIP providers as well as the landlines.

I had a good day today, figuring both how to get Teliax to forward the calls to our landline (since I can't seem to register the connection with Teliax, via SIP or IAX), as well as I figured out the problem with outbound calls using the verizon line.  It turns out my theory was correct, that Asterisk was dialing too fast and not waiting for the dialtone, so Verizon wasn't getting the first digit (sometimes).  But, adding a half second wait before dialing did the trick. (More)

Posted by Jon Daley on August 21, 2007, 5:25 pm | Read 6219 times | Comments (3)
Category Programming: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Reviews: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

I was recently asked by a Microsoft engineer why I am still asking questions about Windows XP when I should be using Vista, since it is better for various reasons.

My response is below, which he called, "stunningly clear", and said that he had already forwarded it onto his executive management.  I don't know that it will have all that much of an impact, but it is nice to hear that he thought it was a good explanation. (More)

Posted by Jon Daley on August 15, 2007, 4:21 pm | Read 5255 times | Comments (0)
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Hide 'Em In Your Heart scripture memory CDs by Steve Green gets my hearty recommendation for anyone with or without children who wants to memorize scripture in a fun and easy way. We heard about them from our pediatrician (who is a Christian father of young children) and got the first CD from Grandma and Dad-o for Noah's birthday. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on August 15, 2007, 2:11 pm | Read 4277 times | Comments (1)
Category Jonathan: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Reviews: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Bible: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

At the Maggie P, Jonathan learned how to tie knots.  Now he ties ropes all around the yard in a great booby-trap for potential robbers (or mail carriers.) (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on August 15, 2007, 1:55 pm | Read 5549 times | Comments (1)
Category Jonathan: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Monday, Noah walked all the way to the ShurSave on his own two legs.  He also pushed the stroller the last half.  The only exception was that I carried him across Friendship Ave because his walking speed is not yet up to crossing that busier road. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on August 15, 2007, 1:29 pm | Read 2808 times | Comments (4)
Category Noah: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Noah just walked down from the third floor to the second facing forward, holding the railing, all by himself!  This railing is lower than normal, I noted with Jonathan that it's a great way to start learning.

On another note, Noah has another word, "go." 

Posted by Heather Daley on August 11, 2007, 8:33 am | Read 2516 times | Comments (1)
Category Noah: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Jon first noticed red spots on Jonathan's tongue and soft palate while brushing his teeth.  Then we noticed bug bite/pimple-like spots on his knees and then Noah's knees.  Then Noah got more and more spots all around the edges of is diaper area and some on arms and legs.  After two days of this, we thought to look in Noah's mouth and sure enough, red spots. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on August 9, 2007, 8:36 pm | Read 3230 times | Comments (5)
Category Jonathan: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Noah: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

We're back from a lovely two weeks at the best little house in the world.  I'll save time (so much to catch up on!) by linking to Janet's first post and you can proceed through all five entries.  The boys absolutely loved the sand and water and freedom.  It was rather hot throughout the visit, but at least we had the water nearby to cool off in. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on August 6, 2007, 10:41 am | Read 3615 times | Comments (0)
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