Last week (actually within the span of three days) four people asked me if I am pregnant. Really, you ask? Yes, really, they did. One of them was Jonathan, whom you have read has been praying fervently for a little sister, and has not yet learned that you don't ask women that (unless, as Dave Barry says, you can actually see the baby coming out.) My answer was "not that I know of."
I had bought a box with two tests at Christmas time to see if there was any Christmas present announcement to be made to the family (it was negative then.) The second one was sitting there in the bathroom and Monday morning, I thought, well, I'll just take it so that I can tell people for sure that I'm not. However, when I looked at the little window after two minutes, what should I see but a positive result! I could hardly believe it.
So Noah and I rushed back upstairs to bring the news to Daddy and Jonathan, who of course were very excited.
Expected arrival is sometime in October. This could potentially be a nice birthday present for Mommy, or even a very special 90th birthday present for Great Grandpa Daley. Jonathan will be nearly five and Noah will be a couple of months shy of two and a half.
I really was not expecting this (cycles had not yet returned due to nursing) but it does explain some things over the last few weeks. Noticeable drop in milk supply, slight aversion to pancakes, not feeling perfectly up to par (though I thought I just had what's going around), Jon beating me at Scrabble...
We are all thrilled (well, Noah's rather clueless at the moment) and looking forward to meeting this new little one, boy or girl!
Posted by
Heather Daley on
February 20, 2008, 11:38 am
| Read 8252 times