I was talking with a friend the other day about grandmothers knitting and sweaters they give for Christmas. Her comment was, "I loved my grandma, but those things were hideous." Then I related how I always loved the things my grandma knitted for me. I was just thinking about it again recently. I even liked the pink sweater she made, and the tomboy in me normally didn't like pink. Maybe she was just more savvy about what little girls liked then. She made my sister and me these really neat sweatervests that had animals worked in - the face of the animal on the front, with button eyes, and the tail on the back, with little cat tails hanging out, or bunny rabbit cottontails. They were great. Yay for Grandma!
Posted by
Heather Daley on
January 12, 2006, 4:29 pm
| Read 1743 times