Faith has started calling Jonathan, "Ohnny-int"  This is related to how she says medicine ("meddy-int") and other words that end in /n/.

She also says her own name, which sounds unfortunately rather like "Hate" but the /t/ is a bit softer, maybe halfway between that and "Hathe".

3/30 - In the morning, I woke to the sound of the floorboards squeaking in my bedroom.  I opened my eyes and there was Jonathan with a tray of toast and juice!  What a sweetheart. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on April 15, 2011, 9:13 am | Read 57210 times | Comments (5)
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3/11 - Faith can count to six.

3/12 - Faith counted to ten.  She isn't consistent with this.  She'll get stuck after six, but if someone says seven, she can do the rest on her own.  I don't think she has quantity recognition past five, though.  And she sometimes likes to start counting with nine.

3/21 - We've been listening to CDs and tapes a lot on my old stereo.  Noah comments, "Mom, tapes are really cool.  But CDs you can skip to the next one.  But tapes you can stop it and then it starts right where you were."

Jonathan has been reading Greek myths and has made himself a Zeus costume, complete with eagle-topped staff and thunderbolts.  Then he discovered an old tape of mine with Holst's The Planets on it.  He was very excited to recognize the personalities of the gods in their respective movements.  He and Noah were marching around with invisible guns to Mars before I even told them what it was.  Holst sure did a good job!  It is fun for me to see me kids enjoying a piece of music that I enjoyed so much (well, I still do!)

Joy has been smiling a lot this week, mostly for her siblings.  I think her hair is growing.  It never fell out as her siblings' birth hair did.  Maybe her hair will start out brown?

Noah is learning simple addition and beginning to read.  He is enthusiastic about this learning and schooltime is fun with him.  It's so neat to watch them figure out things!  School with Jonathan has not been as much fun, but I think we need to find something that challenges him more.

Posted by Heather Daley on March 28, 2011, 6:21 pm | Read 3243 times | Comments (3)
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2/11 - Faith, looking at cousin Cole's cute pictures. "Me wikey 'at wittle Tole, Tole, Tole."

2/24 - Milk started coming in Thursday evening.  Joy is a good nurser.

2/26 - Joy's cord fell off.  Noah called it the "umbilicord" when talking with Faith about it. Faith is very excited about the bellybutton.

2/27 - Faith, talking about Joy's hiccups, "Baby 'Oy had hip-up twenty-teen long time."

Things are going well.  Everybody has adjustments to make.  Faith loves her new little sister and likes to hold her a lot.  She is having a bit of a hard time with the reduced Mommy time.  She gets weepy about things that weren't such a big deal before.  Noah is more of a silent sufferer, but I can sense he is also adjusting. Jonathan seems to be doing great and he is very helpful.  He loves to check in on Joy throughout the day.

Jon and Mom are wonderful about doing lots of work and letting me rest.

Posted by Heather Daley on February 27, 2011, 2:27 pm | Read 3173 times | Comments (3)
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1/20 - Jonathan, as usual, singing while he plays and works.  This time it was, "Come, Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadil.  Come, Tom Bombadil..."

1/22 - When boys have a tea party:  Noah, Faith and I were playing with Faith's tea set.  Noah said he couldn't eat his soup because the bad guys had poisoned it.  It was such a deadly poison we couldn't even touch it and I had him call 911 to send a squad out to take it away.  I never remember anything like this happening at other tea parties... (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on February 3, 2011, 9:58 am | Read 74716 times | Comments (13)
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12/23 - Noah: "Tomorrow's tomorrow is Christmas!"

Both Jonathan and Noah were sick in the car on the way to New Hampshire.  Blessedly, they both managed to get everything in the bowls and nothing on anyplace else in the car.  By the time we arrived, they were fine and the rest of the visit was sick-free.

12/27 - Jonathan and Mommy were discussing dollar amounts of Christmas presents and what was even thinkable to ask about.  I had said that a $200 set was out of the question.  He then said, "[A particular lego set] is in the question."

12/30 - We went to the Boston Children's Museum with Grammy and I was with Faith at the bubbles section.  She played a long time there and I got to observe other kids as well.  This note is a quote from a young girl next to us, with obvious glee in her voice, "Science is messy!" (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on January 19, 2011, 7:00 pm | Read 9373 times | Comments (3)
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I haven't been writing things down much recently, but here are a few.

12/14 - Faith likes to "write" and rarely draws, but she asked me to make a guy for her, which I did.  When she asked for more and more I reverted to a quick stick figure.  Then she started drawing her own guys!  A head with two toes sticking out.  Her first time drawing people!  They are very cute people, and I have her assurance that they are toes and not legs.

12/15 - We watched an Alfred Hitchcock movie.  They are hit or miss and this one was a miss.  Faith got restless before it ended and said, "Me no wikey moonie."  Jonathan and Noah knew to keep still until the end but both were disappointed.  Hoping at least for some comic relief to redeem the time, Noah asked, "Daddy, can we please watch the outtakes?"  Jon just had to laugh out loud at that one.  They didn't do outtakes in the thirties...

12/22 - This morning Jon did some shopping after his meeting and as we were putting away the groceries, Jonathan asked, "Mom, are perogies panterable?"  What?  "Are perogies panter-able?"  He meant "able to be put in the pantry" as opposed to the freezer.

Posted by Heather Daley on December 22, 2010, 8:57 pm | Read 4854 times | Comments (2)
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Actually, the only thing written in my pocket notes from all this time is that on 11/16, Jon solved the mirror cube with his eyes closed.

Jonathan's 7th birthday was a very fun time.  He got a lot of cool presents and had a lot of cool people over to play.  Grandma and Dad-o were there for the occasion and the next few days were also busy with fun. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on December 8, 2010, 11:56 am | Read 6098 times | Comments (1)
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11/6 - Noah and I were making rice krispie treats and Noah was stirring.  He asked for a marshmallow, but I said no, they had to go in the recipe and he could have one of the finished products.  Well, he decided to snitch and got a natural lesson.  I, only a few feet away in the kitchen, heard him screaming.  He had dipped his finger in the melted marshmallow to taste it!  I rushed him over to the sink and after a while of running it under the cold water, I made an ice bath in a bowl for him.  His finger turned out fine after a few minutes and he had learned a good lesson. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on November 15, 2010, 5:57 pm | Read 12594 times | Comments (2)
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11/1 - Jonathan, "My favorite color is green."  Noah, "My favorite color is green, too!"  Jonathan, "Faith, what's your favorite color?  Is it green?"  Faith, "No, flower."

11/1 - Jonathan lost his left front upper tooth!  He bit into a grape (boy, that tooth must have been ready!) at 1pm and the tooth was out at 5pm.  We can already see the grown up tooth showing through.  The matching front tooth is due any day now, I'd guess.

11/3 - On a Sunshine Math page, Jonathan was instructed to find the "value" of words using a code A = 1 cent, B = 2 cents, etc.  The last part said, "Your first name = ____" and he was not so happy that his name has eight letters in it.  But he did something harder and thought it was more fun anyway.  He added up y-o-u-r-f-i-r-s-t-n-a-m-e.  I accepted that as a correct answer. (:

11/3 - Jonathan, "In Japan a long time ago, they didn't have guns... they had shoguns!"

Faith is more often dry at night than she was before.  Last week she had four nights dry in a row!  Daytime is mostly the same.  She doesn't like to sit long enough for #2 so that usually ends up in the underwear.  But I'm taking it in stride right now and encouraging her to keep trying.  "I know" she says when I remind her. (:

11/5 - After a brief phone call with Mom, I related, "Grandma says, 'hi' to everybody."  Faith replied, with a bright face and excited voice, "Mom, hug!?"  She likes phone hugs from Grandma!

Posted by Heather Daley on November 5, 2010, 9:27 pm | Read 4125 times | Comments (1)
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Three-fifths of our family has been sick this week and we are all finally feeling better today.  (Thank you to all who prayed for us.)  We only did about half our chores on this day of recovery, but I decided to go ahead and have school.  I'm glad I did! (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on October 29, 2010, 2:20 pm | Read 3839 times | Comments (5)
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10/3 - Jon felt the baby kick!  Since then, Jonathan and Faith have thought maybe they felt it.  If the kids were ever up when I was still in bed but awake in the morning, they would definitely be able to feel it.

10/3 - Noah counted to 20 on his own.  He is most comfortable sticking with 12, though.

10/5 - Faith, seeing a picture of Grandma on the computer said, "'Ma"

10/18 - Jonathan, talking to Noah about where to put a recipe, "I call it her biscuit cookbook because all I ever make out of it is biscuits." (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on October 23, 2010, 8:38 am | Read 3486 times | Comments (5)
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This is short but my pocket notes are full and I need a new paper.

9/25 - Noah, wearing his Swiss tshirt and red shorts, "This is my hockey outfit.  My hockey team is called Swiss Fire!"

In lieu of nursing for any length of time (which is very irritating when pregnant and seems to get more so each pregnancy) I will sing to Faith as we go to bed.  Her favorite hymn is Holy Holy Holy and she will sing along with me, allternating pronunciation between "hohee" and "hodee".  So sweet!

Can't remember the day.  Jon overheard Jonathan talking to Noah as they were getting ready for bed.  "Don't wear that kind of shirt to bed.  You grow in the middle of the night and you might not be able to get it off!"

9/28 - Opening a letter from Grandma:  Noah, "I know what it is: cool stuff!"  It was some more Sunshine Math pages.  Noah exclaimed, "I LOVE Sunshine Math!"  Jonathan replied, rather reluctantly as if he didn't want to admit it, "Yeah, Sunshine Math is pretty fun."

Posted by Heather Daley on October 1, 2010, 2:56 pm | Read 10169 times | Comments (17)
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Inspired by an article in Family Fun magazine, I developed a fun motivator for bedtime cleanup that really works.  Before, there would be lots of complaining, dilly-dallying and nagging.  Now the house is clean every night before bed and the job is done quickly!  Here's how it works.

We have a jelly jar to fill up with colorful glass gems (which we call "beads" though they have no holes).  Each evening at clean up time, we set a timer for fifteen minutes.  For every minute left on the timer (rounded to the next whole minute up) they get to put a bead in the jar.  A bonus of five beads is awarded if the whole house is clean before we even start the timer (motivating clean up before the evening even arrives!).  A penalty of three beads is subtracted if the parental inspection reveals that the house is not clean despite the boys' statement that it is.

The reward for a full jar of beads is a special treat selected by the boys.  The most recent one was to watch a VeggieTales movie.

This works so well for our family.  Now, even if it takes the whole fifteen minutes and they get no beads, the job is done in that short time - in the past sometimes it would take until they were falling into bed and still not be done, really.  The past several days they have gotten most of their beads and even the bonus twice!  The jar is now half full again though it was reset only a few days ago!  The house is noticeably cleaner (ask my Mom who just visited!)  I know I'm using a lot of exclamation points, but I am so happy that this is working out.  Everyone benefits and it is turning out ot be really fun.  (We even get some math in as Noah counts out the reward for the evening and Jonathan divides them as evenly as possible for the three kids to place in the jar.)  (:

Posted by Heather Daley on September 25, 2010, 6:32 pm | Read 3307 times | Comments (4)
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I'm definitely feeling the baby now!  Movements are most noticeable when I am lying down.

9/14 - Jon had mentioned that the next time Jonathan got sneakers, they should have laces.  Jonathan had never learned to tie his shoes because he never had tie shoes.  At almost seven years old, we figured it was time.  It took him an afternoon to get the hang of it and now he's an old pro.

9/17 - At a friend's house, Noah found a small pedal, no-training-wheels bike and successfully made a large circle without falling down!

9/18 - Despite our not being too into sports, Jonathan knows at least something about Pittsburgh.  We were visiting our friends who live on Mt.Washington and the mom turned on the baseball game on TV to see when it ended so they could go up and watch the fireworks.  Jonathan's comment, "The Pirates are winning?!?  That's weird!"

Sometime in the middle of September, Faith added the /k/ sound to the end of "milk".  Now we can distinguish between "more" and "milk"!

9/23 - Faith said "poke" sounding like "boke"

Faith hurt the pinky toe/right side of her right foot on the evening of 9/22 while running around.  She continued to limp and cry about it until 3pm the next day.  I considered calling the doctor, but she was walking on it without complaining that evening.  She still needs to be careful of it because several times since then she has mildly re-injured it.  It was rather strange to me to watch her crawl around after she has been walking so long.

9/24 - As I was falling asleep for my nap, I could hear Jonathan humming to himself - an eclectic mix of hymns, praise songs, Christmas carols, and the Imperial Death March.

Today, Noah asked me to check his shoes to make sure he put them on the right feet.  When I told him they were not, he let out an exasperated sigh.  He had tried really hard and still gotten it wrong.  Poor guy.  But I encouraged him that he'd get it soon.

Posted by Heather Daley on September 25, 2010, 6:20 pm | Read 4089 times | Comments (1)
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8/31 - The boys were making octopuses out of their banana peels. Jonathan called his a "cinctopus".  It had five legs.  His reason, "Because uno, dos, tres..."

9/6 - Faith's second birthday!  When you ask her how old she is, she will answer, "Dew!"  She also answers that for what her name is, and other questions, so we have fun asking things like, "Faith, what's one plus one?  What's four divided by two?"  She opened presents in the morning and we had our church picnic in the afternoon/evening.  It was a fun day for us all and she enjoyed all the festivities, singing, opening, blowing out, etc.  But she only ate the frosting part of her cake. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on September 11, 2010, 8:32 pm | Read 7368 times | Comments (1)
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